October 14, 2024

October 14    Romans 8
There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  This means that when we admit that we are guilty and plead Jesus as our Savior we are completely forgiven.  There is no condemnation any longer as we are covered by Jesus' sacrifice for us.  However, Satan likes to still try to make you feel condemned. He may try to convince you that you are not really saved.  He may try to tell you that you messed up too bad for Jesus to really even want to save you.  He may try to convince you that God could never really love you.  This type of accusation by Satan needs to be understood so that it does not make you feel like you are a defeated Christian.  We are called to victory in Jesus.  When we feel like we are not good enough or we question whether God could really save us from our sins just remember that in Christ you have been set free indeed.  
The Christian receives the Holy Spirt when we receive salvation to be a guide for us.  He points out sin and helps us feel conviction, but the Spirit does not point us towards feeling of condemnation as a believer.  We have been set free from sin and declared no longer guilty and in need of punishment through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit comes to help guide and direct us in following Christ in obedience. He also helps us when we are weak and helps us to receive the strength we need, even at times when we don't even know what to say to God in prayer.  Not only are we no longer condemned because of Jesus, but in sending the Holy Spirit we also know that we never are alone in our relationship with God.

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