October 13- Pastor Bill’s Reading Plan

October 13     Romans 7

Paul did many wonderful things in his life for Christ.  We respect how God used him and we read carefully the letters he wrote to the churches.  As we think about Paul we may consider him some sort of super spiritual person.  We think of Bible characters just easily living their lives for Jesus and we sit here sometimes struggling at doing the right things.  I appreciate Paul's honesty about his struggle between the flesh and living for Jesus.  When we think of a Christian life we look at it from salvation to the day I die and go to Heaven I know I have been given.   But, I think we need to remember that daily we need to choose to live for Jesus.  Living in a fallen world we will not be immune from temptation.  Each and every morning we need to put aside our flesh and say yes to Jesus for what we are going to do for the day. A good Christian life is seen in daily surrender to Christ adding up to a life lived for Christ. It is also seen in not letting the times we come up short derail us from getting back on track with Christ and continuing to grow in him.  The struggle with sin is real and should not be ignored, but we also have been given the solution to sin and it is to turn back to Christ.

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