October 11-Pastor Bill's Reading Plan

October 11    Romans 5
It is important to remember that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.  When you think about his interactions with his disciples leading up the cross it seems that Peter and the others were wanting to keep him from going.  Nobody asked Jesus to go to the cross. There was nobody who really deserved what Jesus was going to do. In fact, Peter was ready to fight to try to keep Jesus away from the cross.  It is important to remember when we interact with people who do not know Jesus yet that we need to point them to Jesus before we expect that they act like Christians. It is sometimes easier for us to try convince people they need to change their behavior rather than tell them they need Jesus to change their heart.  When you look at someone who is struggling with sinful lives remember that salvation is still available for that person because Jesus didn't die because we were righteous, but rather he died because he was righteousness and that is what he wants to make us through his sacrifice. 
Also note the connection between Adam and Jesus. Adam as the first man brings sin into the world because of his fall.  Jesus- representing us as a man- succeeded where Adam fell.  Adam brings sin and death and destruction. Jesus brings forgiveness and new life. Jesus had to become a human to properly take on our sins so that he could bring us freedom and restore us to a proper relationship with God.  The virgin birth of Jesus was necessary. By being born by Mary he has become human. But not having an earthly biological father he did not inherit the sin nature from Adam (from his father).  This allows him to be the perfect sacrifice for the sins of mankind. In a few short months we will again be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

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