October 9- Pastor Bill’s Reading Plan

October 9   Romans 3

Paul is very clear that God is faithful and remains true to His promises even when people are not faithful.  God does not lie. God does not break promises. He has always been and always will be faithful to what He has said. The problem that we face is sometimes we like to put words or promises into God's mouth.  We must be careful of making promises of things that God never said were promises.

The problem in the world is not that God is not a promise keeper. The problem is that we are not faithful to God as we should be. We don't live according to his commands as we should.   We don't serve him the way that we should.  The problem of sin belongs to all of us.  We all are guilty of going our own ways.  We are all guilty of sin as Romans 3:23 makes abundantly clear.  If we are to have a true understanding of the Gospel we need to understand how fallen we are and in desperate need of salvation.  Paul points out our sinfulness, but he also shows that we are not without help and hope.  Through Jesus Christ we find redemption through Christ that we receive by grace.  We are justified by faith apart from works of the law.  This means we are not justified by what we do but rather by what Jesus has done.  Justification is when God declares us innocent once and for all in his sight because we have put our faith in Jesus Christ.  

Christians must talk about sin if we are to give a true picture of the hope that is found in Jesus.  Sometimes people fear talking about sin because they are afraid to offend people.  We must talk about sin because people have offended God.  That is a much more serious problem for them than having their feelings hurt by some person.  People need to know how desperate their situation is so that they can have a chance to receive the help from the LORD they need.  Besides, when we talk about sin it does not come as a surprise to most people that something is not right in their life.

We know that LORD is faithful to us, the question for all of us today is "Am I faithful to the LORD?"

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