February 24, 2025

February 24   2 Timothy 2
Scripture helps us understand what we are called to do by using analogies and comparing our Christian life with other types of roles that people were familiar with.  In verses 3-6 he discusses soldiers, athletes, and farmers to teach us a lesson about how we should be living as followers of Jesus.
This is such a beneficial thing for us because the Bible was not meant to be challenging to understand.  Rather, by using common language and illustrations it helps to understand things in an easier and more practical way.  Jesus was a master storyteller and used a variety of different practical illustrations throughout his time teacher others.  The parables are great example of this as a lot of the parables were based around common everyday experience and understanding.  
We do need to remember that things looked a little different than what we see today. We have to try to think of what a farmer was like in Jesus' time.  They didn't have tractors and other very expensive equipment like we have today. When I think of the word solider images of fighter jets and tanks come to mind in our modern mind.  The soldier in that day looked different and was equipped differently than modern soldiers.  Yet, despite the change over time the illustration still makes as much sense to us today as it did back then.  I am thankful to God that He spoke plainly to us in Scripture so that can understand how we should live.

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