March 5, 2025

March 5    Hebrews 3

Jesus is greater than Moses.  As Christians we find no problem to this statement, and it is obvious.  This however would be a very big statement to a Jewish audience in the days that Hebrews was written. Moses was seen as the lawgiver and a great prophet.  He led the people out of slavery in Egypt.  Yet, Jesus in every way is superior to Moses and leads us out of the worst form of slavery- slavery to sin.

We read the Old Testament and are quite familiar with the stories in the Bible.  We know that the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.  What we must not forget is that they created their own detour.  God's plan for them was not 40 years of wandering.  That was a plan that they brought upon themselves because they didn't trust and believe God to bring them into the Promised Land for fear of "giants".  Sometimes in our own lives we can create seasons of "wandering in the wilderness" when we don't trust God in what he wants to do in our lives.  Maybe it is an opportunity we pass up for fear of not knowing how it may work out.  Maybe it is setting up certain markers that we have to achieve before we really step up to do what God is asking us to do (when I graduate, when I get a new job, when my kids are older, __________ then I will get serious about my faith and serve the LORD).
If God is leading you, He also will work out details and equip you to do what He is asking you to do.  Delayed obedience is nothing more than simple disobedience.  Take courage though, even though Israel messed up and created an unnecessary detour to where God was leading, he still provided for them in the wilderness. They were not abandoned.  If you feel like you are wandering in life, I encourage you to do two things.  1. Take note of how God is still working in your life in this season.  2. Seek the LORD for what it will take to move to where God wants you to be.

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