October17, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading Plan

October 17    Romans 11

Romans 11:33-36 reminds us of how awesome God is.  We need to not lose our Awe of God.  God invites us into relationship and we can grow in a closeness to Him.  Yet, we cannot become too casual in our approach with God that we lose our reverence and awe.  We can approach Him confidently because we know that we are loved, but we must never forget who we are talking to.  We must never forget that without God we don't even exist.  We are called to a personal relationship with our Father, but we must resist anything that tries to make God just a buddy or in some way brings Him down to our level.  We must never lose our reverence and awe of God. Remember in the LORD's Prayer that Jesus starts with "Hallowing" the name of God.  Hallow means to honor as holy.  Always in our relationship with God we must revere God and not forget His awesome holiness.

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