October 18, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading Plan
October 18 Romans 12
Humility does not mean that we think poorly of ourselves. It means that we see the value in other people too. It means I know that my worth and value comes from God and that applies also to the people around me. Sometimes humility is seen as speaking about ourselves in a negative light. Humility may be seen in talking about all the things I am not good at or how other people are better than me at everything. That is not Biblical humility. When Jesus says to love your neighbor as yourself it also implies that we have a concern and love for ourselves as being created by God and loved by God. To demean ourselves or talk about how terrible we are is not real humility because it does not align with what God says about us. We should speak of ourselves honestly but also in a positive way as to honor God We also should speak of others in reference to how God views them. Humility is not to think little of ourselves, but rather think more of God and others who have been created in His image. You have value and purpose given to you by God. Humility is seeing yourself correctly through the Father's eyes for you. When we find our worth comes from Christ we also find that our live become even more worthwile as we understand more clearly who we are and what God has for us in our life.
Humility does not mean that we think poorly of ourselves. It means that we see the value in other people too. It means I know that my worth and value comes from God and that applies also to the people around me. Sometimes humility is seen as speaking about ourselves in a negative light. Humility may be seen in talking about all the things I am not good at or how other people are better than me at everything. That is not Biblical humility. When Jesus says to love your neighbor as yourself it also implies that we have a concern and love for ourselves as being created by God and loved by God. To demean ourselves or talk about how terrible we are is not real humility because it does not align with what God says about us. We should speak of ourselves honestly but also in a positive way as to honor God We also should speak of others in reference to how God views them. Humility is not to think little of ourselves, but rather think more of God and others who have been created in His image. You have value and purpose given to you by God. Humility is seeing yourself correctly through the Father's eyes for you. When we find our worth comes from Christ we also find that our live become even more worthwile as we understand more clearly who we are and what God has for us in our life.
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