November 2, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading Plan

November 2  1 Corinthians 12

Every Christian has a gift that can be used to help build the Kingdom. Jesus is the Head of the church.  We together make up His body.  He gives us gifts and then calls us to work together on a mission together.  We serve each other  when we use those gifts to help one another and this glorifies God.  The church cannot operate well without everyone contributing and playing a role as God gifts.  We had a great evening for Trunk or Treat and there were many people who worked together to make the event happened.  When we work together we grow closer together and we demonstrate the body of Christ to the world.  Whatever your gift is please don't keep it hidden or expect someone else to do it.  Don't be afraid that you will not be able to serve well. If God gives you the gift he will also provide you the ability to use it well.  Ask God for direction in where God wants you to serve and take a step of faith.

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