November 6, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading Plan
November 6 1 Corinthians 16
Paul wraps up the letter to the Corinthians with some instructions about collecting money for the ministry. This was an important opportunity because it allowed the Corinthians to take part in ministry in other regions where Paul was taking the Gospel. This would build a connection between the churches and help them to realize that God's Kingdom is much bigger than just what we see on Sunday morning. Our church is part of something much bigger and greater than we sometimes can even imagine. It has been a blessing for our church to be able to come alongside missionaries over many years in the Christian and Missionary Alliance. It is currently a blessing to see how our church has stepped-up financially to help supply for the needs of a community in Tennessee in connection with a local church there. Our local church has been given a mission by God and so have all the other local Bible-believing churches in our community, in our country, and in our world. It is easy to get fixated on what our church needs to do within our walls and within our community. When we find ways to help other believers, even if it is not local, we should not see that as charity, but rather family looking out for one another.
Paul wraps up the letter to the Corinthians with some instructions about collecting money for the ministry. This was an important opportunity because it allowed the Corinthians to take part in ministry in other regions where Paul was taking the Gospel. This would build a connection between the churches and help them to realize that God's Kingdom is much bigger than just what we see on Sunday morning. Our church is part of something much bigger and greater than we sometimes can even imagine. It has been a blessing for our church to be able to come alongside missionaries over many years in the Christian and Missionary Alliance. It is currently a blessing to see how our church has stepped-up financially to help supply for the needs of a community in Tennessee in connection with a local church there. Our local church has been given a mission by God and so have all the other local Bible-believing churches in our community, in our country, and in our world. It is easy to get fixated on what our church needs to do within our walls and within our community. When we find ways to help other believers, even if it is not local, we should not see that as charity, but rather family looking out for one another.
October 8- Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 7-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 9- Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 10-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 11-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 12-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 13- Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 14, 2024- Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 15 - Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 16, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober17, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 18, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 20, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 21, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 22, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading Plan1 and 2 Corinthians Reading PlanOctober 23, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 24, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 25- Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 27, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 28, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 29, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 30, 2024–Pastor’s Bill Reading Plan
October 31, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 1, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 2, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 3, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 4, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 4, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 6, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 7, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 11-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 9, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 12, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 13, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 14, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 15, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 16, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 17, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 18, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanNovember 19, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 25, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanNovember 26, 2024
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