December 20, 2024
December 20
Luke 1:39-56
We are going to go more in depth on verses 39-44 on Sunday night, so I will focus on the rest of the section. Mary gives a proper example of praise in this section. Something amazing is happening in her life, yet the focus of her song of praise is God. Look at how many times she uses the word He and His. Our praise needs to be God-centered and God-focused. In remembering who the LORD is and what He is doing I am sure she is finding encouragement for the road ahead.
There are some who would worship Mary today. This is not how things are supposed to work. In our modern-day church circles, there are some who get so focused on a pastor that they like that they, in a way, begin to worship him. They don't attend if he is not preaching. If the pastor leaves, they may depart the church. If that pastor falls into a scandal they may even "lose their faith". But in reality, we go to church for God to bring Him worship and hear His Word. There is power in God's Word no matter how cool or uncool, how exciting or boring, the messenger is. People are to be respected but not worshiped. Worship alone belongs to God. Mary's song here is basically a Psalm and reminds us of how to worship. She played an important role in the Christmas story, and she should be respected for her obedience, but all praise and glory belong to God alone. Mary's Psalm suggests she understood that well.
Luke 1:39-56
We are going to go more in depth on verses 39-44 on Sunday night, so I will focus on the rest of the section. Mary gives a proper example of praise in this section. Something amazing is happening in her life, yet the focus of her song of praise is God. Look at how many times she uses the word He and His. Our praise needs to be God-centered and God-focused. In remembering who the LORD is and what He is doing I am sure she is finding encouragement for the road ahead.
There are some who would worship Mary today. This is not how things are supposed to work. In our modern-day church circles, there are some who get so focused on a pastor that they like that they, in a way, begin to worship him. They don't attend if he is not preaching. If the pastor leaves, they may depart the church. If that pastor falls into a scandal they may even "lose their faith". But in reality, we go to church for God to bring Him worship and hear His Word. There is power in God's Word no matter how cool or uncool, how exciting or boring, the messenger is. People are to be respected but not worshiped. Worship alone belongs to God. Mary's song here is basically a Psalm and reminds us of how to worship. She played an important role in the Christmas story, and she should be respected for her obedience, but all praise and glory belong to God alone. Mary's Psalm suggests she understood that well.
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October 31, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 1, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 2, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 3, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 4, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 4, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 6, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 7, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 11-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 9, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 12, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 13, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 14, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 15, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 16, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 17, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 18, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanNovember 19, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 25, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanNovember 26, 2024
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