December 23, 2024

December 23    
Luke 2:21-40

When Mary and Joseph took Jesus to for his circumcision, they offered a sacrifice as was the expectation. The sacrifice they offered showed they were not wealthy and would be more on the poor side of society financially.  Jesus was not born into a life of luxury and wealth.  He was born into a family that was not well of financially, but spiritually very strong and they lived a life of obedience to God. Jesus would never be considered wealthy in the eyes of the world, and it starts right from the beginning of his life.

It must have been an interesting experience to meet Simeon and Anna.  Joseph and Mary had waited 9 months to meet their son, but Simeon and Anna had been waiting a long time to meet their Savior.  They recognize who he is, and they are happy.  Many people missed who Jesus was a man performing miracles and preaching with authority.  These two individuals get it when he is just 8 days old.  Simeon's statement is interesting because he points out the reality that Jesus will have followers and opposition.  He will do a great work in a perfect life and yet some (many really) will not appreciate who Jesus is and oppose the one who came to save them.  Mary will one day see her boy hanging on a cross and it was not because Jesus had failed but rather because he was succeeding perfectly.  It may have been prophecy, but it is still hard for a mother to see.

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