December 29, 2024
December 29
1 Thessalonians 4
I apologize that I did not post yesterday. I had no idea that tearing down wallpaper was going to take all day.
The word sanctified is really important in this verse. When we come to a place of salvation, we admit our sins and ask God for forgiveness. It would be great if we can walk away from the altar after that prayer and have it all together. The reality is that salvation is a beginning of a lifelong process of growing in our faith. As we learn more about Jesus, we learn more about obedience to his will. God works in our hearts to help us to become more like Jesus as we seek Him. This is a lifelong pursuit of growing in holiness. This is not a straight-line type of development that we see equal progress year after year. We may have times of great growth. We may have times where we feel kind of stuck.
The pursuit of holiness is the call for all Christians. This pursuit will not necessarily lead to perfection in this life, but rather it should lead us to progress and growth in our relationship with the LORD. We are near the end of 2024. This is a good time for reflection. How have you grown in your faith and in your obedience to God this year? Are you different and more mature in December 2024 than you were in January 2024. If you haven't seen much growth, I would encourage you to bring it to the LORD and ask for Him to show you what needs to be changed. Growing in Christ is a lifelong pursuit.
1 Thessalonians 4
I apologize that I did not post yesterday. I had no idea that tearing down wallpaper was going to take all day.
The word sanctified is really important in this verse. When we come to a place of salvation, we admit our sins and ask God for forgiveness. It would be great if we can walk away from the altar after that prayer and have it all together. The reality is that salvation is a beginning of a lifelong process of growing in our faith. As we learn more about Jesus, we learn more about obedience to his will. God works in our hearts to help us to become more like Jesus as we seek Him. This is a lifelong pursuit of growing in holiness. This is not a straight-line type of development that we see equal progress year after year. We may have times of great growth. We may have times where we feel kind of stuck.
The pursuit of holiness is the call for all Christians. This pursuit will not necessarily lead to perfection in this life, but rather it should lead us to progress and growth in our relationship with the LORD. We are near the end of 2024. This is a good time for reflection. How have you grown in your faith and in your obedience to God this year? Are you different and more mature in December 2024 than you were in January 2024. If you haven't seen much growth, I would encourage you to bring it to the LORD and ask for Him to show you what needs to be changed. Growing in Christ is a lifelong pursuit.
October 8- Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 7-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 9- Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 10-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 11-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 12-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 13- Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 14, 2024- Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 15 - Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 16, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober17, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 18, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 20, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanOctober 21, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 22, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading Plan1 and 2 Corinthians Reading PlanOctober 23, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 24, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 25- Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 27, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 28, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 29, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanOctober 30, 2024–Pastor’s Bill Reading Plan
October 31, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 1, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 2, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 3, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 4, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 4, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 6, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 7, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 11-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 9, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 12, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 13, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 14, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 15, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 16, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 17, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 18, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanNovember 19, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 25, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanNovember 26, 2024
November 28, 2024November 27, 2024November 29, 2024November 30, 2024December 1, 2024December 2, 2024December 3, 2024December4, 2024December 5, 2024December 6, 2024December7, 2024December 9, 2024December 10, 2024December 11, 2024December 13, 2024December 14, 2024December 15, 2024December 16, 2024December 17, 2024December 18, 2024December 19, 2024December 20, 2024December 23, 2024December 21, 2024December 27, 2024December 26, 2025December 24, 2024December 30, 2024December 29, 2024
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