October 16, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading Plan
October 16 Romans 10
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”[a]
This has two aspects for us to consider. There is an aspect of missions that we are called to be supporters or senders. We can support missions by prayer and by financial support. Our denomination has always had an emphasis on sending missionaries. In fact, A.B Simpson had a desire not really to start a denomination as much as a missionary sending organization. We can impact the world through prayer and by supporting missions financially. We are part of sending workers to the mission field.
There also needs to be a sense of being sent in our own lives as well. Think of Sunday morning as we gather together in our churches. At the end of church don't consider that just leaving and going home. I hope you feel sent into your community to make a difference for Jesus. Your workplace is not just a place God has placed you to make money, but he has placed you and the faith that you have there to show Christ to your fellow workers. This is partially demonstrated in how you treat people, your work ethic, and how you show respect for those in authority. All of this should be done from a foundation of Christian character. But the section in Romans does not just limit evangelism to merely good behavior or being nice to someone. At some point people need to actually hear the Gospel. Our actions should be a witness, but the Gospel message requires our voices. Our actions should affirm and point towards the words we can speak about Jesus.
We send missionaries overseas with a job to do. But don't think you are exempt because you don't need a passport and a plane ticket. In fact, you and the missionary overseas have been given the same mission- the Great Commission. The only difference between you and a missionary is that a missionary is called to change neighborhoods, and you are called to stay in this neighborhood, and both you and the missionary live your life before other people and point people to Jesus. Honestly, it feels like sometimes it maybe would be easier to be sent overseas to share the Gospel than to see ourselves being sent by God into our workplaces and into our communities with opportunities to be difference makers for Christ.
14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”[a]
This has two aspects for us to consider. There is an aspect of missions that we are called to be supporters or senders. We can support missions by prayer and by financial support. Our denomination has always had an emphasis on sending missionaries. In fact, A.B Simpson had a desire not really to start a denomination as much as a missionary sending organization. We can impact the world through prayer and by supporting missions financially. We are part of sending workers to the mission field.
There also needs to be a sense of being sent in our own lives as well. Think of Sunday morning as we gather together in our churches. At the end of church don't consider that just leaving and going home. I hope you feel sent into your community to make a difference for Jesus. Your workplace is not just a place God has placed you to make money, but he has placed you and the faith that you have there to show Christ to your fellow workers. This is partially demonstrated in how you treat people, your work ethic, and how you show respect for those in authority. All of this should be done from a foundation of Christian character. But the section in Romans does not just limit evangelism to merely good behavior or being nice to someone. At some point people need to actually hear the Gospel. Our actions should be a witness, but the Gospel message requires our voices. Our actions should affirm and point towards the words we can speak about Jesus.
We send missionaries overseas with a job to do. But don't think you are exempt because you don't need a passport and a plane ticket. In fact, you and the missionary overseas have been given the same mission- the Great Commission. The only difference between you and a missionary is that a missionary is called to change neighborhoods, and you are called to stay in this neighborhood, and both you and the missionary live your life before other people and point people to Jesus. Honestly, it feels like sometimes it maybe would be easier to be sent overseas to share the Gospel than to see ourselves being sent by God into our workplaces and into our communities with opportunities to be difference makers for Christ.
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