February 21, 2025

February 21  
1 Timothy 5

The church was not just a place that met on Sundays for a time of worship.  They were also concerned for caring for the needs of each other, and in this section there was a particular emphasis on care for widows.  Paul gave instructions to make sure that people were properly being cared for and that resources were given where they truly were needed instead of being shared with people who may not truly need the help. When this would happen the people in true need would run the risk of having less than was sufficient.. The church today is still called to be a place of help to those in need and we must do so with wisdom and clarity.

At the end of this section Paul points out a reality that sometimes can be frustrating.  Sometimes it takes a while for the obviousness of sinful living to be seen by those around a person.  It trails behind them and leaves them, for a season, feeling like they have gotten away with things.  The reality is the truth will eventually come out.  In the same way sometimes righteousness is not always obvious to people.  Sometimes doing the right thing goes unseen for a season.  But in time those things will eventually show themselves as a witness to others.  Don't grow weary in doing good, especially when it is not recognized or seen by others.  God sees and that is all that really matters.

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