October 28, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading Plan
October 28 1 Corinthians 6
Paul listed in verses 9-10 a long list of sins that are part of a sinful lifestyle. Then he talks about the fact some in the church "used to be like this". He was pointing out that Jesus changes lives. He doesn't just forgive us what we do, but he sets us free from sin. Then he goes on to describe the need to see forgiveness as not a license to do whatever I want to do. That is a bad interpretation of God's grace and forgiveness. We know that God forgives sin, but we cannot use that as an excuse to do wrong. We cannot have the attitude that I know I shouldn't do this or say this, but all I have to do is say a prayer and God will forgive me. Rather, we are called to choose to do and say what is right according to God in our lives. We are not forgiven to be in a repetitive cycle of sin and apology, sin and apology. We have been set free from sin and forgiven so that we can start to choose to do what is right and good and pleasing to God. True joy in the LORD and peace in our lives comes as we are growing in our relationship with the LORD and choosing holiness in our lifestyle. Will we live perfect lives? No. But should we be seeing progress in our lives as we pursue the LORD. Absolutely! We may not reach perfection, but we need to be continually making progress in living for the LORD.
Paul listed in verses 9-10 a long list of sins that are part of a sinful lifestyle. Then he talks about the fact some in the church "used to be like this". He was pointing out that Jesus changes lives. He doesn't just forgive us what we do, but he sets us free from sin. Then he goes on to describe the need to see forgiveness as not a license to do whatever I want to do. That is a bad interpretation of God's grace and forgiveness. We know that God forgives sin, but we cannot use that as an excuse to do wrong. We cannot have the attitude that I know I shouldn't do this or say this, but all I have to do is say a prayer and God will forgive me. Rather, we are called to choose to do and say what is right according to God in our lives. We are not forgiven to be in a repetitive cycle of sin and apology, sin and apology. We have been set free from sin and forgiven so that we can start to choose to do what is right and good and pleasing to God. True joy in the LORD and peace in our lives comes as we are growing in our relationship with the LORD and choosing holiness in our lifestyle. Will we live perfect lives? No. But should we be seeing progress in our lives as we pursue the LORD. Absolutely! We may not reach perfection, but we need to be continually making progress in living for the LORD.
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October 31, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 1, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 2, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 3, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 4, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 4, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 6, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 7, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 11-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 9, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 12, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 13, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 14, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 15, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 16, 2024-Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 17, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 18, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanNovember 19, 2024–Pastor Bill’s Reading PlanNovember 25, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading PlanNovember 26, 2024
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