December 18, 2024
December 18
Colossians 4
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you know how you should answer each person. One of the toughest things to learn about being a Christian is how to speak truth in love. There is a reality that we need to be very clear in what Christians stand for and our values. There will be times when we need to speak up against sin. The right response at the right time in the right way is something that God can help us to have wisdom about.
The way we present truth can possibly interfere with the receiving of truth. Have you ever had to tell your teenager to watch their tone or drop the attitude in how they respond to something you say or ask them to do? I have learned that sometimes they don't even realize that they are doing it, but it certainly creates issues in communication. When we speak about Jesus and talk about what the Bible says on issues, we need to be sure that our tone doesn't interfere with our message. Do you like to be talked down to? Neither do others. We have to present truth in a way that is "seasoned with salt", not speaking as a superior person but someone who is loved by God and therefore loves others. Gracious speech can get the point across clearly and accurately, but also lovingly. When you know that someone cares for you and has your best interest in mind it becomes easier to hear hard truth from that person. Gracious speech, seasoned with salt, sets the tone of concern for the person and is more likely to give us a receptive audience. The question is not just "what should I say?", but also "how do I best say it?"
Colossians 4
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you know how you should answer each person. One of the toughest things to learn about being a Christian is how to speak truth in love. There is a reality that we need to be very clear in what Christians stand for and our values. There will be times when we need to speak up against sin. The right response at the right time in the right way is something that God can help us to have wisdom about.
The way we present truth can possibly interfere with the receiving of truth. Have you ever had to tell your teenager to watch their tone or drop the attitude in how they respond to something you say or ask them to do? I have learned that sometimes they don't even realize that they are doing it, but it certainly creates issues in communication. When we speak about Jesus and talk about what the Bible says on issues, we need to be sure that our tone doesn't interfere with our message. Do you like to be talked down to? Neither do others. We have to present truth in a way that is "seasoned with salt", not speaking as a superior person but someone who is loved by God and therefore loves others. Gracious speech can get the point across clearly and accurately, but also lovingly. When you know that someone cares for you and has your best interest in mind it becomes easier to hear hard truth from that person. Gracious speech, seasoned with salt, sets the tone of concern for the person and is more likely to give us a receptive audience. The question is not just "what should I say?", but also "how do I best say it?"
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