December 13, 2024

December 13    
Philippians 2
     We are called to live in humility and in good relationship with God and others.  Jesus set the ultimate example of humility as he stepped from a throne in Heaven to a manger on Earth.  Jesus did not come here because it was an improvement for him.  He came because of his love and concern for people.  He desires that we look out for others as well.  We should not seek to use people, but to help them.  We should not see people only as a means to improving our lives, but rather we need to seek ways to improve the lives of others as God leads us. 
      Humility is not looking poorly upon yourself.  It is not good to denigrate ourselves or talk poorly about us in the name of humility.  You are "fearfully and wonderfully made" and created in the image of God.  Humility is not talking down on ourselves, but rather talking up the God who created us.  Humility also reminds us that we are not the only ones in the world "fearfully and wonderfully made" and we begin to try to see others the way God sees them.  
       Looking out for others is at the easiest point of the year right now.  Christmas tends to bring out the charity and concern for others in a lot of people.  As Christians we are called to live out the type of generosity and concern for others so many people display at Christmas time all year long.

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