October 20, 2024-Pastor Bill's Reading Plan

October 20      Romans 14

Thank you to all who joined us for our service tonight.  I hope that it was a valuable time looking at the book of Romans together.

Paul was very concerned about making sure we don't cause our brothers and sisters in Christ to stumble.  There are some things that are clearly prohibited in Scripture.  There are also things that are convictions that we have as Christians that are not necessarily as black and white in Scripture. We must be careful that we don't allow our freedom to do certain things cause someone who may be convicted otherwise fall into sin.  We must be mindful and look out for one another so that we can keep a strong witness and continue to encourage one another.  He says we shouldn't spend all of our time focus on judging one another.  If there is clear sin, we are called to admonish and point out the error. But being judgmental means looking for the fault in others and looking down on them for things that they may do differently than I do.  How do we continue to encourage others in the faith?  How do we ensure that we do not cause others to stumble?

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